
About Us

Why Choose SentryWise?
  • Best hosting provider
  • Award cloud infrastructure
  • Awesome control panels
  • Reference Domain solutions
  • Support Premium 24/7/365
200+ Clients
More than 100+ active customers trust to us daily about 1.000+ services.
100+ Infrastructure
4 Datacenters with 20+ servers that presents high availability systems.

Meet Our Management Team

SentryWise is a team of passionate and talented individuals who are dedicated to helping our customers succeed online. We are committed to providing our customers with the resources they need to grow their businesses and reach their full potential.


DevOPS, Support, Helpdesk
Our resident DevOPS hero. He's always up for a challenge, no matter how big or small. He's always willing to go the extra mile to help our customers, and he's never afraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty.


Commercial Department
He is the driving force behind SentryWise's commercial success. His expertise and passion for sales have helped us grow our business by leaps and bounds.


Sales Department
She possesses a natural ability to connect with clients and build rapport. She understands their needs and challenges, and she's always one step ahead in finding solutions that fit their unique requirements.

Our Datacenters are Located in 7 Regions

Our global datacenter network spans 7 regions, giving you the flexibility and scalability you need to reach your customers around the world. We offer a wide range of datacenter services including colocation, managed hosting, and cloud computing.

Visit our facilities!

Please schedule an date with our sales manager if you're interested in visit us.